Sunday, 17 June 2007

Why Cucumbers Are Better Than Men

* A cucumber never leaves you for your best friend.

* You never have to pick a cucumber's socks up off the floor.

* Your cucumber doesn't care if you put on 10 pounds !

* You always know where your cucumber has been.

* Your cucumber is always there waiting for you to use it.

* A cucumber is ALWAYS HARD!

*Your cucumber NEVER gets you pregnant then denies it's HIS!


Crushed said...

Well have fun with your cucumber.

Freya Speaks said...

Oh, I am not cucumber monogamous.

Shelly Rayedeane said...

Well, it looks like the cucumber in the picture might have been recently used. I see he has a smile on his face. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm like that, except for all the ways that cucumbers are different from men.

Helen said...

**if your cucumber gets flaccid you can throw him on the compost and get a new one.
**Cucumbers really don't make their size an issue
**When they're in a pickle you still want to eat them (oh god, that was bad)
**A three-some could get quite interesting with other folk from the garden (Seems to me a cantaloupe has some rather redeeming features)

Captain Smack said...

I like to use a cucumber when I'm tossing salad. Mmmm.

Freya Speaks said...

You are all sick perverts andnone of you will be invited to my cucumber wedding.

Captain Smack said...

I'm green with envy.

Freya Speaks said...

hahahaha please,you are making me blush like a tomato.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be picky but all these comments apply to any inanimate object e.g a stick or a jar of jam..

Shelly Rayedeane said...

Are you certain this post is about you enjoying a cucumber or a passive aggressive post telling a man his penis is too small?

I have nothing against cucumbers, gay people, people of color, or men with small penises.

However, to demean someone publicly in this way is wrong.

What if I told you this post caused a man named Ingram to get rolled over in a football game because he has a small penis?

It is such a shame some people use other people to get ahead in life. If you ask me, there is no God in those who only know how to take.

That's why God works in mysterious ways and has a way of squashing people when they play God with the lives of others.

I have all the faith in the world God will help me to overcome.

Perhaps if some people put their faith in him, instead of using a computer to get ahead in life, maybe this world really would be a better place to live in.
