Monday 18 June 2007

My First Kiss

Kids Kissing

Some firsts in life you just never forget.
At the risk of sounding all girly and mushy .......I still remember my first kiss ( and the guy's name)
The interesting thing is it was the precursor of two life patterns for being *younger men* the other a sign I was going to be a take charge kinda girl who wasn't about to take shit from no motherf£$%$er.
I was 6 years old and Victor Jazztrap was 5.
My mum went over to his mum's house for coffee and Victor and I were jumping on the beds ,as you do.
Victor ,I recall, had dirty blonde hair (no,I mean DIRTY) with lil' dirty, curly,locks and grey ,dingy underwear on.
What can I say? I like dirty boys!
Well,after a few hops ,jumping on the bed,that got old, so I stopped.I stared at him and said all sweet-like," Kiss me!"
He looked at my freckled face, screwed up his own(mimicking EWWWWWWWWWWWW) and simply said, " No!"

A less confident girl would have shrank with mortification! Maybe been scarred for life!
Not me!
I raised my fist giving him a cold,withering look and said," If you don't kiss me I will HIT you!!"
* smiles* So, of course he did!
* flicks my hair* I ALWAYS get MY WAY!
Pissed off though that he DARED raise ANY objection I slapped him across the face but hard!
Little faggot ran crying to his mother and ratted me out.
I was told off and not allowed to have dessert that night. APPARENTLY it is not" lady like to go around making boys kiss you against their will!"

I always hated him after that!
I wonder if he remembers his first kiss?

Here's betting he's a faggot!
I hope I had something to do with it!


Unknown said...

I'm sure you've turned more than your fair share of men gay, and I wouldn't be surprised if you started early. Hell, you've probably had a hand in turning men you've only talked to on here into fudge-packed-gents.

Freya Speaks said...

Can you "feel the change",Mike?

Crushed said...

Now the first girl I kissed was very receptive...

I was four.

It went downhill a bit after that.

Captain Smack said...

It disturbs me that me and Jazztrap have so much in common. Girls usually hit me in the face after I kiss them too, and I like to keep my hair and underwear dirty.

Anonymous said...


Thats a little sort of burger thing in gravy?

Actually I knew him -you will remember that I am not as old as you Freya dear..

Unknown said...

I'm immune to your powers.

Shelly Rayedeane said...

*sits back and silently waits to see if coyote mike gets bitchslapped*

Steph said...

The poor boy was probably traumatized for LIFE.

Good work.

Crushed said...

No, he just said he was immune.

Helen said...

I remember playing the old "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," but bolting and laughing after he showed me his tackle. Not getting in my wonder woman panties, little boy!!!!

Freya Speaks said...

Crushed- no doubt.:)
Capt- You sound "just my type."
Mutley- and is he gay???
Mike- only because you haven't been slapped by the best.
Shell- I have bigger fish to fry.
Dear Barbie- LMFAO- I am rather expert at traumatizing little boys.
Helen-LOL He probably has still yet to be able to "rise to the occassion" after that first.....Jazztrap should be lucky I only slapped him.

Scum Department said...

Victor Jazztrap... what a fucking awesome name!

Shelly Rayedeane said...

Yeah, I have bigger fish to fry too.

Does anyone want a pony for Christmas?

I know I don't. I hope somebody has a very Happy Birthday!

I hate brown cake btw.


Shelly Rayedeane said...

Question of the day.

Why did a lady go fishing with a man in Wyoming?

Let us just say, the key to knowing what will happen is knowing the past, the present, and the future....

All at the same time.

I'm so sorry some people don't have the memory I do.

That is why the FBI is in on the gig now making certain some UK Swans

Aren't getting into America.

Have a lovely New Year all!

I know I will be!