Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Pre Action Protocol Letter to The BNP

Dear Foul Mouthed, Cowardly,YOBO,

You have been to my site and stuck your fat,facist nose in,like an old woman peeking through her lace curtains!
If you have seen anything you should not have ( and you know what I mean) and , even for a nanosecond,contemplate doing anything about it- it will be the VERY LAST THING you do!

I have not been living in the UK all my life.
I am closerthanthis with Turkish and Syrian Muslim fundamentalists who just so happen to owe me a favour or two.

So be warned,Turkish neckties for anyone who goes any where they shouldn't or touches anyone they shouldn't!!!


Captain Smack said...

What's YOBO? Does it have something to do with sock puppets? I had a sock over at my place, but he got lost in the laundry.

Also, I don't know what a Turkish necktie is, but it doesn't sound very comfortable.

I feel like everyone is speaking in strange codes lately.

The Bournemouth Nationalist said...

Welcome to Britain Freya

I am assuming you are an immigrant of the legal kind of course, in which case carry on and enjoy your stay here for as long as you want.

I'll be tolerant and ignore the threats for now, as many immigrants (even 2nd generation) believe everything they hear and read from the Bloated Broadcasting Corporation and other influential media outlets

Good Day

Freya Speaks said...

Thankyou for your comments. I am flattered that someone with such high ranking powers in the home office over who stays and who goes should come to my blog.

I don't need the BNP to legitimise my 'immigrant' status, or your permission in the land of my birth.

I can trace my family tree for twelve generations. I KNOW EVERY NAME CONTAINED THEREIN. Do you? Mr genetics?

This post stands.

Shelly Rayedeane said...

Wow. I'm too fat. I might have a facist nose, but my vocabulary doesn't extend that far, so I might have to google facist to really understand what the fuck it means. I'm an old woman. And I like peeking through lace curtains.

That's potentially 4 strikes against me, thus far! I'm fucked.

I think I'll stick my hands in my pockets now, as I wouldn't want to touch anything.

Freya Speaks said...

Smackers- A yobo is adelinquent with a big yob ( mouth) .You know the uncouth youth who have nothing to say but insist on never shutting thier pie holes?Pie hole-mouth.
Turkish necktie- when the turks slit ones throat and pull their tongues through their neck.
Shelley- You do not have a facist nose and you are NOT fat...nor old- you are younger than me.

The Bournemouth Nationalist said...

I can trace my family tree for twelve generations. I KNOW EVERY NAME CONTAINED THEREIN
No I cant trace my ancestry that far back I'm afraid after the 7th generation the paper trail dries up I'm sorry to say

This post stands
I don't recall anyone saying it shouldn't and after all we do live in a democracy where freedom of speech is one of our treasured values so feel free to post more.

Turkish necktie- when the turks slit ones throat and pull their tongues through their neck.

I hope you're not advocating that style of democracy in our country Freya

Freya Speaks said...

I do not believe in violence at all.............do you?