How does one know when they have met their soul mate? What is the difference between past loves and "soul mate?"More specifically, what makes one a soul mate and not others?
When two soul mates meet can they tell right away or can they be mistaken and only think that they are?
Most importantly,why can't they come with a label that lets you know so that you don't have to question if they are ......or blow it because you didn't realize?
If one questions it,does this mean you aren't?
Is there a probationary period where you have to wait and see for it to be proved true?
I think that in all likelyhood, I have met my soulmate, but fucked around too long and didn't take the steps I needed to take, and now she's dating a dentist or lawyer or banker or something.
But do you think there is only one for everyone , Mike?
I know that a few men have thought I was theirs but I wasn't for I didn't feel the same.
Funny you posted this. I wrote a poem about this a long time ago and just recently posted it on another blog of mine.
The poem basically states how I really feel:
Meeting a true soulmate will only happen when people aren't trying to fill a void inside themselves for something else. Ironically, my own soulmate has probably walked past me at least a thousand times by now. However, I doubt we will ever meet if I am not happy and content within myself first.
Is there only one soulmate out there for everyone? I doubt it. However, once a person gets in tune with their own soul, they probably wont have to ask if the one they love is their soulmate or not.
They'll just know.
But what if you "know" but are a fucking pessimist? Does thismean you are just being pessimistic or mistaken?
I think you should ask yourself the reasons why you are a pessimist. This is where the problem lies. Ask yourself what you are afraid of. This will get you more in tune with your own soul. Love is never the culprit which ultimately destroys love. Fear is.
I don't think there are any rules or guidelines to it. It's different for everyone. What Shelly said about not trying to fulfill a void has a nice ring to it, and is probably true in most cases - but I suspect that even the most insecure and screwed up people find their soul mates sometimes. I think sometimes you know it right away, sometimes you realize it much later, and everything in between.
As for me, I've fallen in love several times, but only once did I think of her as my soul mate. But that's just me, I'm sure there have existed many people who came across more than one soul mate in a lifetime.
It would be nice if there was some kind of soul-mate-detector, like a Geiger counter, and you could just walk around sweeping people with it. But I guess that would kind of take all the fun out of it.
The way I look at it, is do you 'fit' into eachother?
True soulmates will feel the 'perfect' click of total congruence and know that. That doesn't mean that they are necessarily similar people, merely that they form a perfect fit, as if carved from the same soul material.
We often connect to people, but that perfect fit is something far beyong that.
But you know when the fit slots perfectly.
I hope that helps...
**I'll leave the boring comment about maturity and commitment.**
I think loading any one person with "fulfill-me-in-every-way-possible" is ridiculous, defeatist, and impossible. I think you grow into being soul-mates with someone, and that yes, there are many opportunities out there. Part of commitment is recognizing that you may encounter someone else who is just as titillating as the person you married (or more so if you're a little bored with your relationship), but at some point you have to just say "You can't fuck 'em all."
I think you can connect intellectually, spiritually, and physically with different people, but it is your choice to be with one.
If you're growing and changing as an individual, you will look at your soul-mate at different times and think "who the hell are you, and why the hell did I marry you," but if they're growing and changing, too, you'll learn to love each other all over again. Nothing else in nature is certain and finite, why should we expect love to be?
As for finding one's soulmate? I don't know, baby, try bartending and breaking up a blind date like I did.
I attend a lot of internet dating web sites and have several times purchased "wives" off the internet - mostly from Russia - and 1 from Vietnam and 2 from Laos, and recently 3 from Uzbekistan..
also I write my name and phone number on the back of public toilet doors.. I find I get a lot of calls that way - I can also suggest posting nude pictures of yourself through the love objects letter box... it gets straight to the point and helps clear the air.
Does any of this help?
I have no idea if there is just one person. I hope not. The girl I was refering to in my first comment on this topic . . . I just learned is marrying a dentist in about 3 weeks.
Gotta love a kick in the stomach.
Ah Mike- You can always go and object at the crucial moment.
Mutley- Wow ! You can afford that many wives?
Shelly- Itend to agree with you.
Capt- Was "she" ME?:)
Well, ya never know!
Crushed-Who pulled your strings?
Helen- I think that is just complacency.:)
Great answers all.............but sadly none of you buggers are MY soul mate!
Well,maybe.one.............what do ya htink Shell?
Aha! So the rumours about you and Mutley are true...
You gossip monger!
I wouldn't say it's complacency, just realistic...
True soulmates meet because they were meant too.
Sometimes these people are gay and other times they are straight.
However, to manipulate sexual attraction, by using the laws of attraction and blogs, has nothing to do with soulmates.
Now I'm not talking about a person who just writes from their heart because they're attracted to someone.
What I'm talking about are people who use the power of suggestion to scare people into being something they are not.
There is no God in that and I sincerely doubt a soulmate will actually be found that way.
To force a gay person to be straight or a straight person to be gay is nothing short of rape.
There is no love in prearranged relationships.
And I doubt any soulmate is forced to be together with someone they don't want.
Manipulation isn't love. Free love isn't love.
Free will is the only love where someone is capable of having a soulmates.
Soulmates don't learn to love one another.
Helen needs to get her head out of her ass.
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